Tuesday, January 20, 2015

حظك اليوم الخميس 22/1/2015

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حظك اليوم الخميس 22/1/2015, الابراج الخميس 22/1/2015 , توقعات ابراج اليوم الخميس 22/1/2015, التوقعات الفلكية فى الابراج , حظك وبرجك اليوم 22 ديسمبر 2015 , توقعات برجك وحظك اليوم الخميس 22 ديسمبر 2015, حظك اليوم الخميس 22/1/2015 ماغى فرح , حظك الخميس 22/1/2015 فرح ميشال , حظك اليوم الخميس 22/1/2015 جاكلين عقيقى , حظك اليوم الخميس 22/1/2015 جوهى عياد , حظك اليوم الخميس 22/1/2015 مع محمد فرعون , حظك اليوم الخميس , ابراج اليوم الخميس , توقعات برجك وحظك اليوم الخميس 22/1/2015 , الابراج الصينية اليوم الخميس 22-1-2015 , توقعات الابراج الفلكية والتوقعات اليوم الخميس 22 ديسمبر 2015 , برج الحمل اليوم الخميس 22/1/2015 , برج الثور اليوم الخميس 22/1/2015 , برج الجوزاء اليوم الخميس 22-1-2015 , برج السرطان اليوم الخميس 22-1-2015 , برج الاسد اليوم الخميس 22-1-2015 , برج العذراء اليوم الخميس 22-1-2015 , برج الميزان اليوم الخميس 22-1-2015 , برج العقرب اليوم الخميس 22-1-2015 , برج القوس اليوم الخميس 22-1-2015 ,برج الجدى اليوم الخميس 22-1-2015 , برج الدلو اليوم الخميس 22-1-2015 , برج الحوت اليوم الخميس 22-1-2015 , ابراج 22-1-2015 , حظك 22-1-2015 , حظك اليوم الخميس 22 ديسمبر , Abraj Horoscope Today 22-1-2015 , الابراج 22-1-2015 , حظك اليوم الخميس , ابراج اليوم الخميس 22-1-2015, حظك اليوم الخميس 22-1-2015 , توقعات ابراج اليوم 22 ديسمبر , ابراج اليوم الخميس 22-1-2015 , حظك اليوم الخميس 22-1-2015,حظك اليوم 22-1-2015 . ابراج يوم الخميس , برجك اليوم 22 ديسمبر 2015 , حظك اليوم 22-1-2015, برجك اليوم 22-1-2015, حظك اليوم الخميس 22-1-2015, ابراج اليوم الخميس 22-1-2015 , الأبراج اليوم 22-1-2015 , ابراج مكتوب 22-1-2015 , Abraj , عالم الأبراج , الأبراج الفلكية , الابراج الصينية, الابراج العربية, ماغي فرح كارمن شماس نجلاء قبانى , مايك فغالى , جمانة قبيسي , جاكلين عقيقي , محمد فرعون , ميشال حايك ,ماغي فرح , الابراج الاسبوعية , الابراج اليومية , الابراج و الحب الخميس 22-1-2015 ديسمبر 2015 , برج الحمل 22-1-2015 , برج الثور 22-1-2015 , برج الجوزاء 22-1-2015 , برج السرطان 22-1-2015, برج الأسد 22-1-2015 , برج العذراء 22-1-2015, برج الميزان 22-1-2015 , برج العقرب 22-1-2015 , برج القوس 22-1-2015 , برج الجدي 1-1-2015, برج الدلو 22-1-2015, برج الحوت 22-1-2015 , برجك يوم الخميس 22-1-2015- حظك اليوم – ابراج 2015 , ابراج الخميس 22/1/2015 , حظك اليوم الخميس 22/1/2015 , حظك يوم الخميس 22/1/2015, ابراج 2015 , ابراج اليوم الخميس 22/1/2015 , برجك اليوم , 2015 , ابراج اليوم 22 ديسمبر , ابراج حظك اليوم 22/1/2015 , البرج والحظ اليوم 22 ديسمبر 2015 , برج 22 أب 2015 , ابراج اليوم 1 ديسمبر 2015 , ابراج الخميس 22/1/2015, ابراج شهر ديسمبر الحظ , ابراح اليوم , ابراج اليوم الخميس , برج الميزان , برج الاسد , برج الثور , برج الحمل , برج الدلو الخميس 22/1/2015, برج الجدي 22/1/2015 , برج الجوزاء 22/1/2015 , برج السرطان 22/1/2015 , برج العذراء 22/1/2015 , برج العقرب 22/1/2015 , برج القوس 22/1/2015 , برجك 22 ديسمبر , برجك 22/1/2015 , برجك اليوم 22/1/2015 , برجك اليوم الخميس , برجك والحب 22/1/2015 , توقعات الابراج , حظك اليوم الخميس , حظك اليوم الخميس 22/1/2015 , حقيقة الابراج , ابراج الياهو 22 ديسمبر 2015 , ابراج المكتوب 22/1/2015 الابراج اليومية Abraj 22/1/2015
برج الحمل [21(أذار-مارس-شوال) - 20(نيسان-أبريل-ذو القعدة)]
لا تتشائم من الحبيب اذا قال لك تضرب فهذا افضل من ان يقول يلعنك
برج الثور [21(نيسان-أبريل-ذو القعدة) - 20(أيار-مايو-ذو الحجة)]
سيعبر لك الحبيب عن حبه بضربة على الرأس فاستعد
برج الجوزاء [21(أيار-مايو-ذو الحجة) - 21(حزيران-يونيو-محرم)]
ستنقرف رقبتك من كثرة شموخك
برج السرطان [22(حزيران-يونيو-محرم) - 22(تموز-يوليو-صفر)]
حرارة احساسيك بحاجة الى مكيف
برج الأسد [23(تموز-يوليو-صفر) - 22(آب-أغسطس-ربيع1)]
ان تغني في نومك برومانسية لدرجة ان زوجتك تضع القطن في اذانها عند النوم
برج العذراء [23(آب-أغسطس-ربيع1) - 22(أيلول-سبتمبر-ربيع2)]
لا تكثر من حديثك الرائع فهو ثروة احتفظ به كيف نحافظ على أذنينا
برج الميزان [23(أيلول-سبتمبر-ربيع2) - 22(تشرين1-أكتوبر-جمادى1)]
الصديق وقت الضيق اخدم نفسك
برج العقرب [23(تشرين1-أكتوبر-جمادى1) - 21(تشرين2-نوفمبر-جمادى2)]
لا داعي للحذر فأنت في قفص النمر
برج القوس [22(تشرين2-نوفمبر-جمادى2) - 20(كانون1-ديسمبر-رجب)]
مع كل طقم مطبخ فتاة و لكنك مرتبط راحت عليك
برج الجدي [20(كانون1-ديسمبر-رجب) - 19(كانون2-يناير-شعبان)]
حذائك جديد و لكن اين النعل
برج الدلو [20(كانون2-يناير-شعبان) - 18(شباط-فبراير-رمضان)]
اذا ذهبت على الرياضة فارتد بيجامة رياضة و ليس بيجامة نوم
برج الحوت [19(شباط-فبراير-رمضان) - 20(أذار-مارس-شوال)]

Saturday, January 17, 2015

5 Ways Garlic Can Treat a Cold

<a href="http://us-ads.openx.net/w/1.0/rc?cs=828b7e043e&cb=1421540682572&c.width=403&c.height=50&c.tag_id=19128&c.taglink_id=28057&c.scale=1.8064517&c.url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.simpledish.com%2Farticles%2F5-ways-garlic-can-treat-a-cold" ><img src="http://us-ads.openx.net/w/1.0/ai?auid=537273327&cs=828b7e043e&cb=1421540682572&c.width=403&c.height=50&c.tag_id=19128&c.taglink_id=28057&c.scale=1.8064517&c.url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.simpledish.com%2Farticles%2F5-ways-garlic-can-treat-a-cold" border="0" alt=""></a>

Here’s how to use garlic to treat a cold:

1. Try a “garlic candy.” Mince 2 cloves of garlic, add 1 teaspoon of raw honey . Take every 3 hours after the onset of a cold.
2. Just eat it. Add raw garlic to a raw vegetable salad.
3. Eat a “garlic sandwich.” Two slices of rye bread, butter, 4 minced garlic cloves, a lot of sea salt. It actually tastes really good!
4. Do a “Cheburashka.” Cheburashka is a Russian cartoon character with funny ears. Mince 2 garlic cloves. Wrap each clove in a thin paper napkin, so that you have two thin tubes. Insert these tubes into your ears and walk around for 15 minutes ( 5 minutes for a child.) Garlic juice enters your mucus membranes through the ears. This method works like magic ( I am speaking from a personal experience.) Repeat up to 4 times a day.
5. For adults only- perform with caution. Do a “rhino.” Cut one garlic clove in half, lengthwise. Insert the garlic halves into your nose. If you have to sneeze, just reinsert the garlic. Walk around as long as you can ( probably no more than 5 minutes.) This method prevents sinus infections and helps to increase immunity and fight the cold.
And last, but no least and my all-time favorite. Try this one either alone or with someone who is also doing it: do a Cheburashka, and a rhino at the same time, while also eating a garlic sandwich. If you do that, you will no longer care that you have a cold!

<a href="http://us-ads.openx.net/w/1.0/rc?cs=828b7e043e&cb=1421540682572&c.width=403&c.height=50&c.tag_id=19128&c.taglink_id=28057&c.scale=1.8064517&c.url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.simpledish.com%2Farticles%2F5-ways-garlic-can-treat-a-cold" ><img src="http://us-ads.openx.net/w/1.0/ai?auid=537273327&cs=828b7e043e&cb=1421540682572&c.width=403&c.height=50&c.tag_id=19128&c.taglink_id=28057&c.scale=1.8064517&c.url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.simpledish.com%2Farticles%2F5-ways-garlic-can-treat-a-cold" border="0" alt=""></a>
Garlic is a powerful antioxidant with antiviral, antimicrobial and antibiotic properties. It also provides decongestant and expectorant effects for colds and flus.
To maximize the health benefits, you should crush the garlic at room temperature and allow it to sit for about 15 minutes. That triggers an enzyme reaction that boosts the healthy compounds in garlic. Crushing fresh garlic causes a chemical reaction that releases allicin, which is a powerful antibacterial component only present shortly after garlic is crushed and before it is heated. Study, published in the journal Advances In Therapy found that taking a garlic allicin-containing supplement could help prevent colds as well as shorten their duration. Eating fresh raw crushed garlic can knock out the onset of a cold or flu.
In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers show that eating garlic appears to boost our natural supply of hydrogen sulfide. In the body, hydrogen sulfide acts as an antioxidant and transmits cellular signals that relax blood vessels and increase blood flow. In a study, performed at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, researchers extracted juice from supermarket garlic and added small amounts to human red blood cells. The cells immediately began emitting hydrogen sulfide.

Here’s how to use garlic to treat a cold:

1. Try a “garlic candy.” Mince 2 cloves of garlic, add 1 teaspoon of raw honey . Take every 3 hours after the onset of a cold.
2. Just eat it. Add raw garlic to a raw vegetable salad.
3. Eat a “garlic sandwich.” Two slices of rye bread, butter, 4 minced garlic cloves, a lot of sea salt. It actually tastes really good!
4. Do a “Cheburashka.” Cheburashka is a Russian cartoon character with funny ears. Mince 2 garlic cloves. Wrap each clove in a thin paper napkin, so that you have two thin tubes. Insert these tubes into your ears and walk around for 15 minutes ( 5 minutes for a child.) Garlic juice enters your mucus membranes through the ears. This method works like magic ( I am speaking from a personal experience.) Repeat up to 4 times a day.
5. For adults only- perform with caution. Do a “rhino.” Cut one garlic clove in half, lengthwise. Insert the garlic halves into your nose. If you have to sneeze, just reinsert the garlic. Walk around as long as you can ( probably no more than 5 minutes.) This method prevents sinus infections and helps to increase immunity and fight the cold.
And last, but no least and my all-time favorite. Try this one either alone or with someone who is also doing it: do a Cheburashka, and a rhino at the same time, while also eating a garlic sandwich. If you do that, you will no longer care that you have a cold!

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar. Recent research has proven than apple cider vinegar might be beneficial for your health.
Vinegar is known for being able to do wonders around the house and you have probably used it for many things yourself. However, recent research has proven than apple cider vinegar might be beneficial for your health as well. While many ancient medicinal uses of apple cider vinegar have not yet been proven or, in some cases, has been disproven - there are still some researches that have been proven. This ranges anywhere from cancer to weight loss and will yield amazing health results.

Weight Loss

Losing weight is important to many of us, no matter how much we would like to admit it is not. Whether you are trying to get your body slimmed down for summer beaches or you simply want a healthier lifestyle, apple cider vinegar will be able to slim you down. In recent studies conducted in 2005, 12 people were divided into two groups. Group 1 ate a piece of bread and a small amount of white vinegar while group 2 only ate the piece of bread. Those who ingested the white vinegar felt more satisfied with their hungry than those who only ingested the bread. While the study is preliminary at best, people have been ingesting vinegar for years to help promote weight loss.


Apple cider vinegar has been thoroughly researched when it comes to lowering blood sugar levels. When ingesting two tablespoons before bed, those with type 2 diabetes found their glucose levels lowered by as much as 6-percent- a considerable amount that can drastically increase and stabilize mood and health.

Lowered Blood Pressure

When it comes to lowering blood pressure, vinegar is the go-to substance for many people who want a natural remedy. Blood pressure is significantly reduced when ingesting at least two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar due to the high acidic value of it. High acidic values helps regulate your blood and keeps you heart healthy as your blood can often have a higher than normal pH level. The acid helps drop it and your body is forced to add more hydrogen to the blood, making the balance in your blood neutral.


The most controversial topic of all preventions, cancer tends to yield a wide array of results. Certain studies have shown that apple cider vinegar kills cancer cells or, at the very minimum, slows the growth of them. However, this is where the results get tricky. While studies show that it can slow or kill the progression of cancer cells, it is shown that certain cancers such as esophageal cancer abide by this. However, bladder cancer and similar cancers showed increase in cancer cells when apple cider vinegar was taken. More research will be needed in order to show which cancers respond positively to vinegar and which cancers respond negatively.

5 Health Benefits of Turmeric


“superfoods:”  foods that heal, help and renew our bodies. Turmeric is high up on that list.  Turmeric is a bright yellow spice that has been used for over 2500 years in India. The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which has been linked to multitude of health and beauty benefits.
1. Promote Weight loss

1. Promote Weight loss

Curcumin has been proven to help weight loss and aid in fat metabolism. A diet high in turmeric can suppress the growth of fat tissue, according to a study, conducted by researchers from Tufts University and published in the Journal of Nutrition.

2. Liver Detoxifier

  It is a natural liver detoxifier, which speeds up metabolism and contributes to a radiant complexion.

3. Antioxidant

Curcumin is known for strong antioxidant  properties, making it a wonderful fighter of aging and disease in general.

4. Anti-Inflamatory

Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is a great treatment for arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, osteoporosis and multiple sclerosis. The newest arthritis drugs are COX-2 inhibitors (Celebrex.) Turmeric is a natural COX-2 inhibitor. In a 1999 study, British researchers noted its “potent anti-inflammatory action.” Turmeric may prevent and slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease by removing amyloyd plaque buildup in the brain.

5. Increases Immunity

Turmeric is one of the best known immunity-boosting herbs.  Newsweek article (Nov 2005) described the downfall of popular prescription anti-inflammatory Vioxx. The same article  mentioned turmeric as a substitute anti-inflammatory. Some Italian studies compared Vioxx and turmeric for anti-inflammatory power, and turmeric performed just as well, with no side-effects. I always take turmeric at a first sign of a cold to increase my immunity.